Forest Tree Root
Young Carrion Crow Cutout

rooted tales - What Stories are stored in your cns & energy systems?

Green Blank Banner



sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & somatic movement​ coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email. sarahbound@yah​

House with a Heart

Sarah Bound Grosse BA ENGLISH, BCTMB, LMT, CST & SER Therapist, Nationally Board Certified & Licensed Massage Therapist, Spinal Energetics Therapist Craniosacral & Somatic Emotional Release Therapist, Somatic Movement Coach; Tuning Fork Sound Therapist, and the soon to be author of The Altered Body: From Pain to Potential.

purple moon

Sarah has been a leader in the therapeutic body field for fifteen years. Trained and educated in 13 different body languages and healing modalities, her passion is helping those who suffer into and through the therapeutic and sacred healing experience to help bring rooted tales in the Central Nervous System and subconsciousness, expressed in our physical and energy body, to light; so pain can transform into potential, while movement issues are restored, and traumas are shifted into purpose and freedom.

Young Carrion Crow Cutout

sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & somatic movement coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email.

House with a Heart
Orange Crystal Detail

education, training & modalities / body lanGuages

House with a Heart
Young Carrion Crow Cutout
Inner peace and chakra. Yoga and meditation concept.

Sarah is Trained in:

  • Spinal Energetics & Tuning Fork Therapy
  • Craniosacral Therapy & Myofascial Release
  • Somatic Emotional Release and
  • Somatic Release Movement Sessions
  • Tuning Fork Sound & Touch Therapy
  • Orthopedic Manual Therapy
  • Myofascial Release & Integration

  • Visceral Structural Manipulation
  • Sports & Injury Manual Therapy
  • Structural Integration & Body Mechanics, ​Gait & Posture Assessment
  • Dermoneuro Modulation
  • Pediatric Massage
  • TSP Telepathic Sensory Perception - Basics
  • Groove.AI ++ Over 150 hours in AI training
Spiderweb closeup

sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & somatic movement​ coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email. sarahbound@yah​o​

House with a Heart
House with a Heart
Macro Photography of Water Waves
House with a Heart


sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & movement coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email.

House with a Heart
Young Carrion Crow Cutout



Sarah Bound Grosse lives in Kennebunk Maine, with her partner of 21 ​years and her 13 year old son. Sarah's 15 year old practice mission is:

self-aware. self-empower. self-heal. naturally.

Young Carrion Crow Cutout

please - no scents. no perfumes. sensitive scent zone!

clothed sessions:

please wear soft, loose clothing. if possible, only cotton or linen on upper body. No wools, fleeces (plastics) or scratchy clothing please

60 Minute sessions - flat rates

Shoulder Sports Massage Physical Therapy
Standing human body meditating, chakra energy points, blue abstract background
Osteopathy Treatment for a Child

Spinal Energetics & Tuning Fork Therapy


Spinal Energetics, created by Dr. Sarah Jane, integrates Eastern and Western practices to engage with the spine, nervous system, and energy fields in aiding individuals to move through and heal from trauma. By combining light touch and sound elements, practitioners facilitate a natural flow that helps release stored tensions and resistance in the body. This collaborative approach aims to support clients in achieving balance and deep self-awareness, addressing patterns that may impede their well-being. Drawing inspiration from various modalities and philosophies, Spinal Energetics empowers individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities.

tuning fork and crystal on table .



Therapeutic Massage


This session is tailored to the clients’ needs and (may) include: Gait Assessment, Posture & Body Reading, Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy Release, Dermoneuro Modulation, Visceral-Manual Manipulation, Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and energy work. *

*Pediatric Massage Is also offered

Back Sports Massage Therapy
House with a Heart




Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle manual treatment that includes gloved mouth-work, that aims to help balance the craniosacral system, including the Central Nervous System, membranes, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spine. CST helps restore cells, structured water and our immunity system by addressing anatomical pathways, energy cysts, and structural misalignments, and fascial adhesions in the head, face, mouth, and spine. CST helps restore balance, integrity, and alignment in the body's CNS, fascial, crystal, structured water and energetic network systems. It can include Somatic Emotional Release Dialogue if requested and if session goes in that direction.

Patient undergoing craniosacral biodynamic . Osteopat



Craniosacral & Somatic Emotional Release Therapy

90 Minute sessions - flat rates


Somatic Movement & Tuning Fork Therapy One-on-One Session


Learn about the powerful connection between your physical and energetic bodies as explored in Quantum Biology by releasing stored negative energies and emotions through techniques like Tuning fork sound and touch therapy, while incorporating somatic innate movements, that can transform our overall well-being. Embrace the opportunity to alter the vibrational frequencies of your cells, tissues, muscles, energy and stories and promote release and safety, leading to a positive shift in your physical, emotional, and perspective health. Embrace the transformative potential of your quantum nature by altering your frequencies.



tuning forks
Craniosacral Therapy Massage. Therapist Massaging Woman’s Forehead.

Craniosacral & Somatic Emotional Release Therapy


Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle manual treatment that includes gloved mouth-work, that aims to help balance the craniosacral system, including the Central Nervous System, membranes, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spine. CST helps restore cells, structured water and our immunity system by addressing anatomical pathways, energy cysts, and structural misalignments, and fascial adhesions in the head, face, mouth, and spine. CST helps restore balance, integrity, and alignment in the body's CNS, fascial, crystal, structured water and energetic network systems. It can include Somatic Emotional Release Dialogue if requested and if session goes in that direction.

Physiotherapist is making facial massage working on woman's jaw in beauty clinic



Neck Sports Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage

(9 different modalities incorporated)


This session is tailored to the clients’ needs and (may) include: Gait Assessment, Posture & Body Reading, Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy Release, Dermoneuro Modulation, Visceral-Manual Manipulation, Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and energy work. *

*Pediatric Massage Is also offered




Golden Button Cutout

For a Retreat Therapist, Class Therapist, and or to co-host leading a retreat, please send an email for a quote with retreat logistics to:

Beach at Sunset
House with a Heart

Retreat & renewal Therapist

Young Carrion Crow Cutout

* Day - Renewal Retreat Therapist *

* Weekly or Weekend - Destination Retreat Therapist *

* Pre Wedding Days Prep Therapist *

* Day Classes *

* Self Care Classes *

* Corporate Meeting Leadership Retreat Therapist *

Tropical Home in the Jungle at Sunset
Enjoying the company retreat
A Masseuse Doing a Head Massage
Group of People Making Yoga Exercises on Beach

Please email with details of event logistics, services, location, number of clients, etc. for QUOTE.

Services - All Clothed Sessions:

no harrassment will be tolerated of any kind:

Spinal Energetics & Tuning Fork Therapy (One-One Sessions)

Craniosacral Therapist & Somatic Emotional Release therapist with Tuning Fork therapy (One-One Sessions)

Somatic Movement Coach & Educator with Tuning Fork Integration (Group Sessions)

sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & movement coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email.

House with a Heart
House with a Heart
Orange Crystal Detail

Spinal Energetics

House with a Heart


Taken from Dr. Sarah Jane's website:

"Spinal Energetics is a modality developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr Sarah Jane. It is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.

Each living being is not just a physical form but also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul: Woven together with our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and character.

Energy is a spectrum from underactive to overactive. As Spinal Energetics practitioners, we intend to support our clients in meeting the middle path of homeostasis - balance, as we believe that wellbeing is each person’s birthright.

Through light yet powerful touch (and sometimes no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins and progresses to shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body. The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, they are a response to the treatment and are driven by an individual's energy, intuition and instinct.

Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, it is a practice of collaboration to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in our clients to help them soften and/or strengthen patterns of resistance and/or submission that may be preventing well-being from flowing to them.

Influenced by various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama. With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions."

Orange Crystal Detail

Craniosacral Therapy

Young Carrion Crow Cutout
Background with bright energy light
House with a Heart


A light touch manual therapy to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the Central Nervous System membranes, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area, aimed at releasing trauma stored and trapped in the cells, and hydraulics and tensegrity of the anatomical pathways and rooted perspectives of our whole fascial, crystal and energetic network system. Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch manual therapy to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the Central Nervous System membranes, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area, aimed at releasing trauma stored and trapped in the cells, and hydraulics and tensegrity of the anatomical pathways and rooted perspectives of our whole fascial, crystal and energetic network system. It involves gloved-mouth work, to release tension patterns, and adhesions in the face and head muscles and using the bones and teeth of the face to maneuver balance and realignment in the overall structural integrity of the systems.

House with a Heart
Citrine crystals from Brazil.

Somatic emotional release therapy

& somatic movement therapy

tuning fork and crystal on table .
Silhouettes of Friends Having Fun
Young Carrion Crow Cutout

Did you know you have a physical body and an energetic body? You do. Quantum physics has proven we can move out negative energies, stories, myths stored our central nervous system and subconsciousness and played out in both bodies through our perspective. Toxic emotions and attitudes form in energy and show up as gravity in our physical and emotional body. Movement creates negative electrons that power up our natural immunity systems. By adding sound therapy in tuning forks and music with different vibrational frequencies we can change resonance in the cells that have the capacity to alter our liquid crystal cell matrix vibrancy, allowing energy and stored emotions to flow and release from form. Since we are flowing, moving, organic, mostly liquid crystals that communicate on quantum levels, we can change our physical & emotional story and health by what and how we think.

Colorful Energy Blast Effects

One of the ways we can heal our physical bodies and energetic bodies is by rehydrating our fascial connective tissue network called FASCIA. By moving our fascial tracts that store, transfer, and communicate our emotional energy of our stories, and imprints of those experiences in our current living energetic level and state. We can learn to move in ways that heal us inherently through tapping into our innate healing abilities, and we can activate and increase our power for life while restoring our bodies and fascial tracts with movement, sound, energy shifts, transforming perspective and intention. We are energy before we are matter. Physiology, Chemistry, Biology. Change up the data, the message, the movement, the view and transform your mind and pain into living currency and health!

House with a Heart
Citrine crystals from Brazil.

Somatic emotional release therapy

& somatic movement therapy

fire dance

* By retraining and providing the CNS, Cells, Mind, FASCIA and Muscles with new data through an energetic, visceral and whole body-mind releasing experience, we can transform the visceral sensations with a different approach through movement. We can heal ourselves with the data, food, movement, faith and stories we fuel it with and don’t fuel it with, on a daily basis.

Young Carrion Crow Cutout

SomatoEmotional release (SER) Therapy is the therapeutic process used with Craniosacral Therapy to release the emotional energy involving dialogue and touch. Therapist and client work through imagery, sensations, emotional memories and moving story energy felt, shifting and transforming the story through the session.

Stomach Massage. Therapist Massaging Female Abdomen

Somatic Movement Therapy

Is performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movement rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. (It’s not necessarily pretty and graceful. 😊)

* Exercises that use gravity and the person's own attention, intention and activity to create the sensory-motor signals sent to the central nervous system, and change the signals. Doing what feels natural, free, flowing, honor what shows up, how your body thinks, speaks, feels, and communicates through your movements its experience and effects.

* Mind, Body, Energy, Spiritual, Centering. It’s about a conversation, a connection with your body and energy body and all the stories, energies, and faith stored in your cells.


tuning fork and crystal on table .
Tuning Fork
Alternative Medicine: Tuning Fork Vibrational Healing


House with a Heart

Tuning Forks have different vibrational and sound frequencies that can resonate and tune your electric body and biofield. By using the different sounds and frequencies available and tested we can “tune” your electromagnetic energy to promote optimal and efficient wellbeing.

Tuning forks help by finding the dissonance in your body, that often shows up in physical symptoms like anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and bring resonance to those areas using the harmonies in the sounds, bringing all systems into “harmonic resonance”. We are a mostly liquid and water crystal after all.

Using the different vibrations ( electrical frequencies') of tuning forks allows us to raise, correct, open, and or balance the “electric current and or capacity and potential for better emotional, physical health, mental and spiritual health.

Person holding metal tuning fork against hand
tuning fork and crystal on table .
Tuning fork in sound therapy
body tuning metal forks

Tuning Fork Frequency Sound & Touch Therapy – 60 Minutes - Group Sessions (15 Max persons)

Two formats to choose from:

1. * Led and guided by Sarah with 25 Fork sound healing frequencies to choose from to create the intuitive, empathic session to support the group’s needs, season, energy.

* Microphone and speaker used if needed for entire group session

* Tailored sessions per individual, physical & emotional needs

(30 - 60 minute sessions)

2. A therapeutic, fun, and hands on guided physical experience, by Sarah through 26 Sound Frequencies and physical vibrations. This session is unique as you experience it for yourself placing the forks on your physical bodies and energetic bodies. Everyone has a mallet as we pass around the forks (and crystals clearing the energy each time before fork use). (60 - 90 minute sessions_)

tuning fork and crystal on table .




for a quote.

House with a Heart

testimonials - What people have said

"I am now a 10 year veteran in massage therapy. I've seen dozens of massage therapists over the years for chronic pain caused by an auto immune disease. In these years I've never known a more caring, intuitive therapist with a vast knowledge of the anatomy of the body than Sarah Bound. My first visit with her I was miserable from my disease was at its peak and my pain severe. After one treatment with her I felt a true difference in my gait and my pain nearly absolved. With the knowledge she gave me I learned self care which still benefits me to this day. Since then we have become colleagues and true friends. I will always recommend her above all other therapists."

- Erica J., Plymouth MA

"I have been to many muscular therapists over the years, but no one compares to Sarah. She is the most highly educated therapist and invests so much in her continued learning. Her techniques are not like anyone else- full relaxation while serious issues are being worked out! As a dental professional I have many musculoskeletal issues, and without Sarah I would be in far worse shape! She has kept me healthy for many years. My only complaint is that she no longer is in the same state so I have to drive two hours to see her- but she is worth it!!!" -

Dr. Kristine G., Marshfield MA

"My spinal/structural issues started at 14 years-old and I have had two back operations along the way. I have enjoyed my best structural health since starting with Sarah 6 years ago. Sarah brings a dedication to excellence, unmatched knowledge, and a gifted touch to the healing way of massage therapy."

- Bob. T. Duxbury, MA

"I just had the single best massage I've ever had. I feel like a new woman!! Sarah Bound Grosse is a gem in our community!! For the first time is seven years I have movement where my tumor was removed!!! Grab a friend and get started on your way to whole body health!"

- Courtney D., Kennebunk, ME

"I had the best massage ever from Sarah! She's an hour away from me and worth the trip! If you need someone to really help you she is the answer. Thank you Sarah Bound Grosse!"

- Barbara P., Kingston NH

"If you need a now with Sarah Bound Grosse...the best ever...healing hands."

- Maureen F., Dover, NH

"When I first went to Sarah, I was in bad shape with a lot of pain everyday. I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome bad in both arms, Plantar Fasciitis in one foot, back, shoulder, neck, hip & knee pain. It hurt going up and down stairs and simply sitting down & standing up. After one visit with Sarah, the pain in my knees & hip was almost gone! After 6-7 weeks of seeing Sarah, along with acupuncture & A.R.T. Treatment with a chiropractor my carpal tunnel went completely away & 4yrs. later has not come back! I went to a traditional hand doctor, (for carpal tunnel) before I met Sarah and all he was interested in was doing surgery. I was 55/56 yrs. old, doing Crossfit 3x a week when I met Sarah. Sarah is amazing at finding where the problem originates in your body, how it connects to the pain and works it out! I've been getting massage for 30yrs. from many different types of massage therapists in different states & countries. Sarah is by far the best I've ever had! She's amazing! Do yourself a favor & book a massage! You won't be disappointed!"

- Teresa T. Marshfield, MA

House with a Heart
Pink Crystals

Sarah Bound Grosse, Soon to be Author of The Altered Body: From Pain to POTENTIAL

House with a Heart
A Tree On The Water
Nude full Moon watercolor moon phase



Solid Square

"Once in a long while a true story comes along, and it holds up to the light the many layers of being human."

Chloe Rachel Gallaway, The Winged River Writer

Author of, The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in The Wilderness.



The Altered Body: From Pain to Potential will forever alter how we process pain. Sarah Grosse boldly shows through her gritty true tales, that pain cannot be stopped, avoided, denied or prevented. Surviving three near death experiences with force and power from her hands, while the Holy Spirit shows up at each scene; Sarah’s intuition and psychic abilities expand without her true understanding of their powerful forces.

Until one day, after Sarah’s life was raped of safety and she is drowning in PTSD attacks, addiction and anxiety, she prays to God what she should do with her pain. She has a vision to leave her six-figure corporate salary and job as Director of Operations, and told, “go heal with your hands, I will show you the way.”

Young Carrion Crow Cutout

sarah bound grosse

BA, BCTMB, spinal energetics therapist, LMT,

CST & SER therapist & somatic movement coach

tel. 617.780.7213 email.

House with a Heart
House with a Heart
Crystals Blue
House with a Heart

education, training & modalities / body languages

Sarah is Trained in:

  • Spinal Energetics
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Somatic Emotional Release *
  • Somatic Release Movement Sessions
  • Orthopedic Manual Therapy
  • Myofascial Release & Integration
  • Visceral Structural Manipulation

  • Sports & Injury Manual Therapy
  • Structural Integration & Body Mechanics, Gait & ​Posture Assessment
  • Dermoneuro Modulation
  • Pediatric Massage
  • TSP Telepathic Sensory Perception
  • Groove.AI ++ 150 AI Training
Young Carrion Crow Cutout


A light touch manual therapy to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the Central Nervous System membranes, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area, aimed at releasing trauma stored and trapped in the cells, and hydraulics and tensegrity of the anatomical pathways and rooted perspectives of our whole fascial, crystal and energetic network system.



SomatoEmotional release (SER) is the therapeutic process used with Craniosacral Therapy to release the emotional energy involving dialogue and touch. Therapist and client work through imagery, sensations, emotional memories and moving story energy felt and shifted through the session.

Technology connection digital data and big data concept.
On The Wings Of Freedom - Birds Flying And Broken Chains - Charge Concept

Retraining and providing the CNS, Cells and Muscles with new data through an energetic, visceral and whole body, mind healing & releasing experience. transforming the story with a different approach; through a different movement filter and with intention to receive what the body has to offer. We can heal ourselves with the data, food, movement, faith and stories we fuel it with or don’t, on a daily basis.


Are performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movement rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. (It’s not necessarily pretty and graceful. 😊)

* Exercises that use gravity and the person's own attention, intention and activity to create the sensory-motor signals sent to the central nervous system, and change the signals. Doing what feels natural, free, flowing, honor what shows up, how your body thinks, speaks, feels, and communicates through your movements its experience and effects.

* Mind, Body, Energy, Spiritual, Centering. It’s about a conversation, a connection with your body and energy body and all the stories, energies, and faith stored in your cells.

Art Movement photos
Back Sports Massage Therapy


Orthopedic Manual Therapy focuses on the structural, fascial and muscular skeletal system alignment and balance issues; and helps reduce chronic pain and restore muscle capacity, recover structural issues and joint injuries while improving range of motion, movement without pain, while decreasing restrictions for overall balance, comfort and stability.

House with a Heart
Liquid 1


Myofascial Therapy releases stuck areas of muscles, connective tissues, joints, energies and emotions trapped and compressed in the multifaceted layers and pathways of our physical and energy body liquid crystal network, for increased vitality, flow, movement, circulation, communication and empowerment.

Woman Receiving Professional Belly Massage, Closeup View


Visceral Structural Manipulation Therapy focuses on the anatomical relationships of the body's organs and the Connective tissue matrix of myofascial network and their current location, texture, facets, energies, mobility, temperature and placement to bring the organs back into synch with each other as a whole for structural, energetic and anatomical release, renewal and positional and textural balance.

Pec Stretch - Sports Massage Series


Sports & Injury Massage therapy focuses on correcting imbalance in the soft tissues and joint systems caused by athletic performance, and athletic repetitive injuries. Creating and implementing protocols for muscles and joints to correct themselves, heal themselves related to their sport, issues, challenges and injuries. An example of sports manual therapy is Active Isolate Stretching and or Pin and Stretch in combination with massage therapy treating the different layering of tissues in motion.

Uneven Hips and Shoulders Gradient Linear Vector Icon


Structural manual therapy & body mechanic awareness helps release, realign and retrain the body /movement awareness for increased overall balance and health, and typically include Posture & Gait readings.

"Nerve cell


Dermoneuro Modulation releases trapped, stuck, adhered or pinched Cutaneous Nerves and dermatomes' patterns held captive, compressed and stagnant from day and night postures and repetitive use patterns from our daily sitting, standing, sleeping, repetitive movement and or lack of movement patterns.

House with a Heart
Baby massage


Pediatric Massage, a light touch therapy manipulating tissue and muscles systems to release excess tension, gas, friction and to assist with correcting energy issues from being in the womb, through the birthing experience, into easing life's early childhood postural, structural and growth challenges. It can reduce anxiety and create relaxation and induce release, sleep, bonding capacity and healing.

blue water lotus on magic light


Trained by Nancy Du Tertre, world famous Psychic, describes TSP as:

"TSP is a new type of Remote Viewing. It combines our sensory experiences with certain flexible protocols. It is a concept of combining our intuition with our inner vision in order to access information about ourselves and our world that would otherwise remain invisible and matched against our verifiable reality. You don't need to believe. You just need to trust. Call it "suspended disbelief" if you like! There is a link between our minds and the world around us which is vaster and richer than we could have ever imagined. Our human organism is a finely tuned instrument which is capable of things beyond our wildest dreams.

Space, All, Space Travel, Universe, Star Explosion
Young Carrion Crow Cutout
Tree Logo

rooted Tales

Tree ring wooden log

Sarah Bound Grosse

pink lotus
House with a Heart
Crow Hanging on a Dead Tree Illustration

rooted Tales

Sarah Bound Grosse

House with a Heart